The Hat Lady
We welcomed 4 new guests to our March meeting where Heather of Heather Norman Hats entertained us by displaying a huge variety of hats, all made by Heather in a various fabrics – felt, silk, sinamay (from the banana plant) etc., each beautifully decorated with flowers, feathers, twirls and even foam. Heather’s mother was also a milliner, and after 20 years as a teacher, Heather decided on a career change, took a five year millinery course and was ultimately able to open her shop/workshop in Hatherall’s Yard, Chipping Sodbury. Several members took the opportunity to try some of the hats, especially the waterproof ones, ideal for this weather. Heather is now planning workshops, see her website for information, good opportunity to make your own hat.
The last month has been a busy one! First we’d like to thank Hawkesbury & Horton WI for inviting us to their 90thbirthday celebration and the Jigsaw Puzzle Race (where we’ll gloss over coming 2nd!), both events very much enjoyed by members. Thank you for making us very welcome. Our first meeting of our Craft and Hobbies group starts this month and we have a tour of Acton Court arranged for June. We are also in the process of arranging litter picking sessions as part of Keep Britain Tidy “Great British Spring Clean”. Our next meeting at Poole Court will be Monday 6th April (a week earlier than usual due to Easter), we welcome new members and visitors and as this is our 1st birthday there may be cake? Our speaker is from SARA (Severn Area Rescue) who I imagine have been very busy lately. If you haven’t tried the WI, do come along, we’re a friendly group!